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Critical Thinking Short Essay

Critical Thinking Short Essay

Q Answer the following questions in paragraph form (2 pages). Consider in your answer the Saint Leo core values of respect, community, and responsible stewardship and discuss how our values affect the decisions we make in society today. Click here to download the grading criteria (rubric) for this assignment. 1. How did European trade goods affect Native Americans’ lives? Was the acquisition of these trade goods worth Native Americans’ changing their lifestyles? 2. What goods or devices in modern society have we adopted that have made our lives easier, but have also caused harm to ourselves or to our environment? Submit your Critical Thinking Short Essay to the Assignment folder no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This Assignment may be linked to Turnitin.)

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In order to answer each question, you must look at lives that the Native Americans were living pre- contact. The Natives had items that were used for hunting and gathering, building their communities, tools for agriculture, materials used for clothing and so much more. As expressed in Module 1, maize was used to make many products needed for everyday lives which was part of their culture, to make life easier for the Native Americans. However, when the settlers came to the Americas with their sophisticated tools and devices, the natives were able to see the great value in trading with the newcomers. These tools, linen, and firearms given by the settlers made hunting and gathering, farming, war and even clothing more efficient and it was evident that these items would be a great asset to their communities that would change their lives for the future. The acquisition of these items from the Europeans did come at a hefty price and was absolutely in my honest opinion not worth cost. To lose so much of their land, their culture, language and much of the natural resources associated with the land was a devastating blow to all the tribes across the country. Also, to add insult to injury, much of the land has been contaminated with pollution that will take such a long time to reverse, which will affect their health and children’s health for generations to come.